Trump and American people force obama to show BC today!

27 Apr 2011 10:14 #61 by kresspin

Martin Ent Inc wrote: I just wonder what all the secrecy has been about all this time?
I mean 3 + years.

It had nothing to do with secrecy and everything to do with why should the nation's first black president have to produce more birth documentation than any previous white presidents? He had already satisfied the requirements of office with his certificate of live birth. But the racist birthers were so sure he was born in Africa. And the then four-bankruptcy Donald Trump got into the fray and made that his mission and all of a sudden he's being lauded as a Tea Party presidential candidate -- and the Tea Partiers never demanded to see HIS white ass birth certificate or school transcripts. And yes, the birthers kept it up for 3+ years. It reminds me of the hoops the racist whites in the south made blacks jump through in order to vote. It is disgusting and the American people will see it for what it is.

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27 Apr 2011 10:14 #62 by Kate

pineinthegrass wrote: Thanks for that, Kate!

Well, the AP, Politico, and CNN have now been proven wrong about Hawaii law. Are you sure those documents are genuine? :wink:

You're welcome. I am as surprised by this as everyone else. Are they genuine? I'm sure that the birthers are quickly figuring out how to spin this so as to discredit the President and try to de-legitimize his tenure in office. The spin put out today by those who had previously been screaming for the long form, both in this forum and on the internet, is furious.

If it weren't so pathetic, the spin would be funny.

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27 Apr 2011 10:15 #63 by pineinthegrass

Kate wrote: That has now been done. Will you do the honorable thing and admit he is a natural born citizen?

The birthers are still waiting for their talking points.

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27 Apr 2011 10:20 #64 by Kate

pineinthegrass wrote:

Kate wrote: That has now been done. Will you do the honorable thing and admit he is a natural born citizen?

The birthers are still waiting for their talking points.

This should be a no brainer, one they should be able to figure out all by themselves. They requested the long form, the President provided it, end of story. The integrity of those who have asked for the long form birth certificate is now under scrutiny. If they continue to spin away, talking about how the President caved into pressure blah blah blah instead of saying:

"Yes, it is his long form certificate. He is a natural born citizen."

That's all that the birthers (both here and on the blogosphere) have to say. If they don't, then they show they have no integrity.

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27 Apr 2011 10:21 #65 by pineinthegrass
Obama got special treatment!! Obama got special treatment!! Impeach him!! He broke the law by getting the long form birth certificate to prove the birthers to be idiots so fast!

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27 Apr 2011 10:23 #66 by kresspin

Kate wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: obama caved in because trump and most of the american people wanted the truth about his BC, a simple solution, just show it..but noooo, he had to be forced by trump...this is just the beginning, wait and see what is going to happen this summer..should be fun to watch..obama and his spin machine in action! :woo hoo:

Let me get this straight. You are one of the birthers on this forum that have repeatedly called for President Obama to release his long form birth certificate in order to answer your questions about the legitimacy of his birth. You've said this repeatedly, over and over. When asked, point blank by myself and others, "What would satisfy you in order to prove his natural born citizen status?" you have responded by saying "Release his long form birth certificate."

That has now been done. Will you do the honorable thing and admit he is a natural born citizen?

No, he won't because there's nothing honorable about him.

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27 Apr 2011 10:29 #67 by Kate

kresspin wrote:

Kate wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: obama caved in because trump and most of the american people wanted the truth about his BC, a simple solution, just show it..but noooo, he had to be forced by trump...this is just the beginning, wait and see what is going to happen this summer..should be fun to watch..obama and his spin machine in action! :woo hoo:

Let me get this straight. You are one of the birthers on this forum that have repeatedly called for President Obama to release his long form birth certificate in order to answer your questions about the legitimacy of his birth. You've said this repeatedly, over and over. When asked, point blank by myself and others, "What would satisfy you in order to prove his natural born citizen status?" you have responded by saying "Release his long form birth certificate."

That has now been done. Will you do the honorable thing and admit he is a natural born citizen?

No, he won't because there's nothing honorable about him.

Well, this is Outdoor338's chance to prove his integrity. Right here, for everyone to see.

Edit to add: "and all the rest of the birthers on this board."

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27 Apr 2011 10:31 #68 by LadyJazzer
We'll wait for the talking-points from FauxNoise, WorldNutDaily, DrudgeRetort, and to make the rounds... Then the so-called "birthers" will know what to say.

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27 Apr 2011 10:35 #69 by OmniScience

kresspin wrote:

Martin Ent Inc wrote: I just wonder what all the secrecy has been about all this time?
I mean 3 + years.

It had nothing to do with secrecy and everything to do with why should the nation's first black president have to produce more birth documentation than any previous white presidents? He had already satisfied the requirements of office with his certificate of live birth. But the racist birthers were so sure he was born in Africa. And the then four-bankruptcy Donald Trump got into the fray and made that his mission and all of a sudden he's being lauded as a Tea Party presidential candidate -- and the Tea Partiers never demanded to see HIS white ass birth certificate or school transcripts. And yes, the birthers kept it up for 3+ years. It reminds me of the hoops the racist whites in the south made blacks jump through in order to vote. It is disgusting and the American people will see it for what it is.

Kresspin - When President Obama was campaigning he promised a transparent administration, partly upon the fact that the Bush administration was viewed by many as too secretive.

The race card is pointless in this debate, what's disgusting is anyone's attempt to play it. The President should live up to his campaign promises.

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27 Apr 2011 10:38 #70 by outdoor338
I think its great that he showed his LF-BC, even if it was coerced, he showed it kicking and screaming all the way. Trump forced obama to show it..I'm ok with let's debate what matters most, jobs, oil, china, healthcare, and the econ...trump will force obama on these issues. Like I said before, I don't care if trump runs or not..lets let these two debate these topics!

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