hmm - heard of a group that said 6 months too - but still, we should ask them about storage, and what food items, etc - unless someone knows of a website with this info on it?
I wish all churches put food storage as a priority and had small food banks. If truely long storage is the issue, whole wheats (uncracked seeds) have been genminated from seeds found in the pyramids (maybe 2000 yrs old?). The biggest problem becomes those with gluten intolerance or allergies, but there are many other alternatives. If you grind your own wheat, combine with other types for flour, 20% protein content is possible. Now you can see why bread and water could sustain someone for a long time.
Home canned or factory canned, or does it depend? Because I've had some factory canned things that weren't even to their suggested date yet that were clearly over the edge, and have had some home canned jelly that lasted ...7 years. (Had to think on that, cause I had to date last time I made strawberry jelly and some apple butter.)
On that note, some of us through FB are talking about making an apple run in 2 -3 weeks when the apples are ready. It's starting to look like a convoy, since lots of people want in on it. Any takers?
Have to ask wife on apples, we're partial to Fuji now. Just got peaches, the pie barely cools before being attacked. Have some canned (actually jars of produce) fruits already. I don't prefer the store bought mass produced canned foods as I don't trust the very un-natural preservatives used, but always have some.
Ok - like close to Labor day - these are the apple types - Fuji, Golden Delicious, Gala, Granny Smith, Jonagold, Jonathan, MacIntosh, Pink Lady and Rome.
I've sent an email asking about pricing - will report back when I get an answer. They sell by the peck and by the bushel.