Severe trouble ahead, community suggestions to get through

06 Sep 2011 18:24 #401 by Arlen

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07 Sep 2011 12:33 #402 by HEARTLESS
Coming to a coliseum near you. [url=" onclick=";return false;][/url] Or you can plan on someone else taking care of you like VL does.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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13 Sep 2011 11:15 #403 by BadgerKustoms
(Copied/Pasted content, not my writting. Some links I've deliberately left out.):

Preppers Shall Inherit the Earth: Unconventional Times Require Unconventional Solutions *Micro Doc*

This latest micro documentary from New America Now discusses the many problems facing modern day American society, namely the US Dollar, our country’s ever growing debt, rising prices and the crisis that will ensue as a result – and how you can survive and thrive.

So what are we to do?

There is a growing movement of people who are taking proactive steps to control their destiny. These people, dubbed “Preppers”, are people from all walks of life, all political persuasions, all ethnicities and races who have come to the conclusion that danger is in fact a likely reality in the near future. These people , by no means, have all the answers to the many problems that face us or a crystal ball to see into the future, but they are quite sure they should not leave their well being and the well being of their families in the hand of their less than competent leaders. They have seen the writing on the wall and prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

These people are storing food and water for themselves and their families in case of some unforeseen event that may interrupt their supply of life’s necessities. These people are stocking up in items that may help them in a world unlike the world we have today. The items they store are not items which need disposable parts but items that have served their ancestors in a time before life’s current conveniences. Some are even planning beyond food storage as the length of such a crisis may be far longer than their supplies will last. Many who can, are migrating to places were they will be able to sustain themselves with livestock and planted harvests. These people are re educating themselves with information in the art of self sufficiency that has been lost to this generation. They are buying weapons to defend themselves from the lawlessness that would ensue in the absence of law enforcement.

People who can not leave their urban environments are growing rooftop gardens and keeping rabbits and chickens in an attempt to offer some renewable source of nutrition in addition to their food sources. Goats have become more common in the suburbs as a reliable alternative to dairy sources. People are becoming proactive because unconventional times require unconventional solutions. These people are becoming less and less fringe and more and more mainstream. The people are becoming more and more aware that our leaders have no such solution and the world is quickly headed to a global disaster of epoch proportions.

When the dust settles, those people called Preppers, shall inherit the earth.

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13 Sep 2011 11:33 #404 by Blazer Bob
I have not watched this so apologises if it was posted before.

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13 Sep 2011 12:41 #405 by Martin Ent Inc
And the government wants to make living off the grid a crime.

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13 Sep 2011 14:05 #406 by BearMtnHIB
I just watched those videos- I don't know how anyone can watch those and not understand why it's important to have the right kind of government officials in our local government.

Our property rights are being erroded every day right here in Jeffco- with the same kind of mentality. They will come around to us just like in the videos, unless we vote for local officials who pledge to back off and quit making our building and zoning codes so intrusive that we are driven away from our own property. Who's going to stand up for your property rights when the county does this to you?

They will use any excuse just like in the video- claiming neighbor complaints on the guy who has no neighbors around for 10 miles. The only way to keep this from happining is to prevent these kinds of codes, zoning and land use planning from happening in the first place.

I think most people would be shocked to discover the land use plans that have already been developed for the Evergreen and Conifer/285 areas. The rules and restrictions are vast- and chances are that your property is already in violation of it. Were you even aware that the plans were being developed? Most people are not aware of what our county officials are doing.

There's only one way- only one way to stop this- defund the local government until it no longer has enough money to develop these plans in the first place. Limited government is the ONLY answer and solution.

Are you in compliance- I was when I bought my property, but they are changing the rules as they go along....

remember these are in addition to County Building Codes, HOA restrictions and county and state laws. This is a layer of bureaucracy and regulation in addition to the all the other restrictions.

Take a looky at what YOUR county has been up to......

Goals and Policies;
Design Guidelines;

For the 285 and CONIFER AREA
Goals and Policies;
Design Guidelines; ... fer_dg.pdf
Housing Density Summary Chart Amendment

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14 Sep 2011 16:02 #408 by HEARTLESS
Being prepared isn't about becoming Rambo. Its about being able to care for family and friends in an emergency situation. That could be loss of job, natural disasters, man caused disasters and so on. Lots of good posts so far.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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14 Sep 2011 16:30 #409 by BadgerKustoms

HEARTLESS wrote: Being prepared isn't about becoming Rambo. Its about being able to care for family and friends in an emergency situation. That could be loss of job, natural disasters, man caused disasters and so on. Lots of good posts so far.

Absolutely right. And then of course there's also what I'd like to call "convenience preparation". Maybe this was mentioned in this thread earlier? Haven't checked.... but its pretty typical up here (at least in Park Co anyway), we get a weather related black out that can limit many people's ability to see, cook, and otherwise function. Sometimes they're minutes, but we have had the power out for many hours before too. Having even little things like candles, propane camp stoves, flashlights and plenty of good batteries is a must, and of course food that can be quickly and efficiently prepared given some of these circumstances is a valuable asset. I should also note that organization helps tremendously in these type of random situations. Its great to have all this stuff, but if you can't locate a back up light source in the dark, its going to be an annoying moment to say the least.


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14 Sep 2011 16:55 #410 by HEARTLESS
For us, if we wake up cold, then grab a flashlight to go light candles or oil lamps. Then go light a fire for heat and to cook if need be. Have a portable generator, but looking at complete power kits from Goal Zero for longer term power and small battery charging. Have Katydyn, MSR and Berkey water filters for clean water sources. Already have many freeze dried and dehydrated food items along with raw foods like beans, wheat (several types), many canned items, some of our own some bought, etc. Have chainsaws and handsaws to cut wood if we start running short.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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